Loyalty Blogs

Is relevancy a must in constructing a global loyalty program?

  • Posted on August 23, 2022 by Robert
  • Reading time about 5 minutes
Global Loyalty Program

Your client retention plan will be expensive if it relies on buying loyalty through incentives, rebates, or discounts. These days, it may also imply that you’re sacrificing something priceless, namely your relevance.

It’s due to marketing’s “integrity phase,” as we’ve come to know it, is passing. It was founded in part on the idea that if you provide the correct incentives, customers will continue to purchase the same products from you. However, recent consumer research shows that 71% of customers now think that cashback loyalty program for loyalty do not at all make them loyal. People are increasingly making purchases because a brand is relevant to their current demands in this new era of digitally based competition and customer control.

How to keep relevancy in global loyalty program following the rewarding rules

Every customer is different

Understanding that not all clients are created equal is necessary in order to reap the rewards of loyalty. An organization must provide the most value to its most valuable customers in order to increase loyalty and profitability. In other words, customers who help a business make more money should reap the rewards of that value creation. They will thus grow even more devoted and successful.

For instance, a business can think about giving devoted clients who are similarly interested in their brand or services lower costs. Customers with stronger credit histories and better payment records frequently receive cheaper interest rates from credit card companies. 

Most businesses unintentionally treat all consumers equally, offering them goods of identical value regardless of how much they spend or how long they’ve been clients. A business that provides average-value goods and services to all customers wastes resources by over-servicing the less profitable clients while under-servicing the more valuable, devoted clients. The result is expected. Less desirable consumers persist, reducing the earnings of the business, while highly profitable customers leave because they have higher expectations and more appealing options.

Value sharing should be influenced by customer behavior

It may seem like a basic principle of program design to reward—and hence reinforce—desirable conduct, yet there are plenty of businesses on the market that does the opposite.

These marketing are widespread in today’s consumer product industries, and the outcomes should serve as a caution. Customers either yawn when they see a new offer or develop the skill of getting something for nothing since they have become accustomed to advertisements promising everything from a free vacation to a free credit card. The tactic has highlighted, and possibly even created, a group of chronic switchers who regularly shop for the best deal. Due to the economics of loyalty, no firm should want those consumers because it cannot profit from them.

Consider more than transactions

Customers won’t feel connected to a loyalty program if it is just based on transactions. They shouldn’t get the impression that you are merely trying to sell them something. To keep customers interested and to further market your company, it’s crucial to reward actions other than sales. Customers might receive rewards for actions like leaving product reviews, following you on social media, sharing your content, answering trivia questions, watching product videos, and installing your apps.

Acquire relevant partners to improve incentives and offers

Partnerships are a powerful method to monetize a loyalty rewards marketplace and increase its value, especially in regions with intense competition. A partnership can raise brand exposure and positive brand halo effects depending on the partner, expand benefits, gain access to more data, increase brand awareness, and provide higher earning choices that boost engagement and value.

In the absence of clear administration over important choices and a collaboratively shaped value proposition, partnerships can sometimes backfire, leading to the following three loyalty rewards marketplace issues:

  1. Marketing catalogues that offer customers useless goods or services
  2. Benefits of savings that can be obtained more easily through other means
  3. A cumbersome redemption procedure that makes customers angry and disappointed

In order to avoid these traps, explicit alliance criteria must be established up front, transparently outlining the terms, redemption procedure, economics, and value exchange. To provide a consistent experience, it’s also critical to grasp how this particular collaboration will enhance other program offers. By taking the time to comprehend how customers will engage with a new partnership, the intended impact can be achieved.

Make the most of your relevancy to enhance global customer loyalty

Convenient loyalty programs: Long registration procedures, unclear rules and restrictions, and technical issues with award redemption are all likely to discourage customers from taking full use of these programs and reduce the company’s return on investment.

Make their intent clear

Customers frequently forget they have signed up for a program, lose track of their collected points, and conclude—often out of boredom or ignorance—that the benefits on offer are uninteresting.

Draw awareness 

One in three consumers who do not participate in any loyalty programs claims that they are unaware of them. Some of those might not even be aware of a company’s program, however many are unlikely to ever join since they are concerned about their privacy or simply don’t believe in them.

Refresh them

Since empathy and emotional investment are the hallmarks of true loyalty management software, an effective new incentive might be to make a charitable donation, provide a unique experience, or make an unexpected offer. 


Consumers who use mobile devices today frequently always like review and revise their purchasing selections. With greater speed, they will select the brands that are most pertinent to them. A great method to engage more customers and promote your business at the same time is through loyalty management software. The best advice for enhancing loyalty programs is provided in this blog, so read carefully it to make sure you are getting the most out of yours. For more information on the best global loyalty program for your company, get in touch with us at Novus Loyalty, you can also book a demo or a quick call for more explanation of our services. 

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