Loyalty Blogs

How brand loyalty shows different outlooks for each generation

  • Posted on October 23, 2022 by Robert
  • Reading time about 5 minutes
brand loyalty programs

The customer journey has emerged as the most effective marketing tactic due to the increased rivalry for market share. Most buyers consider their investment’s purpose, the merchant they want to do business with, and the manner of communication used by that company before they even make a purchase.

Acquiring loyalty membership enables firms to give a curated marketing journey as national and local brands start to raise consumer expectations by providing easier and more convenient experiences. In order to build and expand a devoted customer base, it is more critical than ever to make things simple for customers of all ages and demographics.

The most crucial factor in creating a devoted customer base is the customer journey. Marketers can learn more about how they fit into the lives of their customers by mapping out each touchpoint. It doesn’t matter what your customer’s age or generation is.

If you operate with a highly targeted demographic, your client journey might be simple and straightforward. However, the majority of marketers take into account many client personas. Generational segmentation is among the simplest strategies to focus your marketing efforts.

You must comprehend each generation in order to judge how it interacts with the customer journey. Their goals, anxieties, desires, and particular preferences all have an impact. Marketers can speak to each group with the appropriate messaging and timing thanks to their in-depth understanding.

Generation-related traits that influence brand loyalty

No generation ever occurs in isolation. Each of them was raised in a certain period and location, and the local culture had a significant influence on their growth and worldview. One distinguishing characteristic of today’s four main generations—Gen X, Millennials, Boomers, and Gen Z—is that they entered adulthood in radically different technology environments. Of course, everyone is accustomed to accessing the internet, and smartphones are widely used in all social groups. However, research reveals only minor variations in how each group uses their devices. 

Ways to drive generation-specific brand loyalty using customer loyalty software solutions

Ensure brand loyalty

A brand choice can be both emotive and logical. According to the study, different generations place different demands on brands in exchange for their customers’ loyalty.

Youngsters develop emotional attachments to brands

Nearly half of all respondents said they feel “glad” when they think about their favorite companies when posed this question. “Excited” is the second-strongest feeling for Gen Z, Millennials, and Gen X. It’s “understood” by Baby Boomers and members of the Silent Generation.

Older generations feels devoted to companies that offer fair prices

Participants listed the top three reasons they stick with their preferred brands. The two most important factors across all generations were fair price and product variety. The Silent Generation and Baby Boomers were particularly concerned with fair pricing. For Gen Z, Millennials, and Gen X, a good product selection is most important. While Gen X is most concerned about wonderful benefits like free shipping, Gen Z and Millennials also care more about free things than the other generations. Interestingly, the researchers discovered that older generations care more about corporate values and community give-back than younger generation’s do, despite all of the recent buzz surrounding social awareness and consciousness among younger generations.

The only generation unaffected by a loyalty program is Silent Generation

71% of Gen X respondents, 70% of Millennials, 63% of Baby Boomers, and 62% of Gen Z respondents said that the existence of a customer loyalty software solution could influence their decision to choose one brand over another. The Silent Generation is the only generation that is unaffected by loyalty programs. 

The effective methodologies to engage more loyal customers of every generation

Offer enticing and easy-to-earn rewards

If the benefits aren’t interesting or useful, members of the Silent Generation and Baby Boomers will stop participating in a loyalty program. When it takes too long to earn points and redeem them, Gen Z, Millennials, and Gen X are more likely to stop participating in a rewards program for small businesses.

All generations tend to favor money-savvy loyalty programs

Saving money is the top motivation for joining a loyalty program across all generations. The difference between the findings is that Millennials place the greatest importance on member-only benefits like free shipping and a tailored experience. Gen Z is more likely to value milestone incentives than other groups, whereas Baby Boomers are more interested in VIP treatment than any other generation. 

Youth is willing to pay for exclusive loyalty programs

70% of Millennials are aware of the importance of rewards program for small business and are more willing to pay more for desirable benefits like Amazon Prime’s free shipping. Only the Silent Generation’s response to paying a fee for a brand loyalty programs was overwhelming “no,” at 59%.

The majority of shoppers prefer deals with bargains

Most respondents said they like to shop around for the greatest deal before making a purchase. The Silent Generation is least likely to love shopping and read reviews before making a purchase. Shopping is most enjoyable for Gen Z and Gen X. Compared to other generations, Gen Z is more inclined to buy from a company a friend suggests. 

Customers adored the brands that build meaningful relationships

The access to valuable, extensive, first-party data that loyalty programs give brands is their most important benefit. Brand loyalty programs may develop more meaningful, individualized experiences that increase brand affinity and sales by utilizing this data. However, many marketers find it difficult to pinpoint and gather the appropriate data to drive these interactions or activate programs that accurately represent the data that their customers have supplied.


When it comes to raising brand recognition, every generation should be taken into account. Reach out to us at Novus Loyalty if you need any kind of assistance identifying your brand’s demographics. We will be happy to provide you with support while also creating a strong rewards program for small businesses that enables you to attract and keep clients of all generations.

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